Suddenly, after years, here it is!

Suddenly, over years, here it is!

Sometimes the answer to one problem solves another. For years, some of us who taught at a local massage school, talked about teaching advanced classes. There was a lack of available, high-quality courses available. This was not due to a lack of highly educated, very experienced, massage therapists. There were two big barriers to getting more teachers and more classes. First the local venues took a huge percentage of the instructor’s class fees making it hard to justify putting one’s heart, soul, sweat and time to teaching over nights and weekends. Second jumping through the administrative hoops to get the certifications necessary to award Continuing Education credits for attending the classes to the massage therapists. So, the potential qualified teachers were discouraged from teaching.

The other second and related issue was the lack of Continuing Education (CE) granting classes in Northern Arizona. This required those massage therapists living in Northern Arizona considerable inconvenience and often expense to take classes elsewhere. Massage Therapists are required to obtain an amount of CE units necessitating taking several classes. 

The solution to both; More certified teachers in Northern Arizona = More quality classes in Northern Arizona providing Massage Therapy CEs = more convenience and potentially less expense for Massage Therapists living in Northern Arizona to obtain the required CEs, while attending high quality classes. 

After all these years of contemplation, then the pandemic and all the life things that happen, after months of intense work, time, and money, it is almost here. Northern Arizona Wellness Collective coming to a zip code near you.


Talking about the psoas.