Community Classes
Clases for the wellness minded community.
For a calendar of classes, view Book a Class page.
What is that Acupuncturist Talking About?
Are you the using acupuncture as a healthcare modality? Are you a healthcare professional who shares patients with a practitioner of Chinese medicine?
Cultural differences in perception and language can make the concepts of Chinese medicine confusing. In this class you will be introduced to some of the basic theory behind TCM. (Traditional Chinese Medicine) You will experience a different perspective of gaining information through observation, by experiencing examination modalities such as pulse and tongue. You will learn why acupuncturists talk about “organs” in a different way than western medical providers. You will learn what a meridian is as well as what an acupuncture point is. We will touch on aspects of how emotions are considered in TCM.
This medicine has a 5000 year history. Brushing the surface provides a gift of knowing how much we do not know.
Instructor: Stephanie Selman
Would you like to learn a mindfulness/movement form that supports your brain plasticity, as well as experience deep relaxation for your own physical, mental and emotional healing?
Combining Tai Chi and Qigong movements will do just that.
Focused on enhancing well-being and supporting attention on gentle movement with a focused mind, numerous research studies have shown that the regular practice of Tai Chi and qigong are effective to improve balance, decrease fall risk, relieve pain and stress, and lower blood pressure and heart rate, just to name a few. These practices are gentle, adaptable to all sorts of physical and psychological challenges, medical treatments, surgical procedures and every form of recovery, rehabilitation, as well as ‘pre-habilitation’
Tai Chi translates as the Supreme Ultimate and is an exploration of the harmony and balance of the essential Yin/Yang forces of the Universe. As Tai Chi movements challenge our brains with the novelty of movements, cognition and body awareness are enhanced. Qigong is translated is Qi-Energy, and Gong-Cultivation. As we gather Qi with the gentle movements of Qigong, we support the function of our organs, muscles, nerves, and lymphatic system, as well as our emotional state of being. Creating a relaxation response in our body allows the restorative work of healing.
Tai Chi with Restorative Qigong
Instructor: Rose Adams
Hormone Balancing Through Food and Lifestyle: Guidance through perimenopause, menopause, and hormonal imbalance with Fasting and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Learn how to use lifestyle, food, and Traditional Chinese Medicine to balance your hormones. It is important to honor our natural cycles and if we know what is happening at each time of the month and how to naturally support that process rather than hampering that process, we can naturally balance our hormones and support health and well-being. Cycling women can use fasting and feasting strategically around their menstrual cycles to balance hormones, reduce symptoms, and ignite the self-healing spark that is available to all of us when given the right conditions. Menopausal women can claim the best years and brain of their life by utilizing fasting and specific foods to balance hormones and treat uncomfortable symptoms you might be experiencing such as brain fog, insomnia, hot flashes, mood swings, and weight gain. Once you learn these very empowering tools, you will be able to utilize this lifestyle in your daily life for free. It does not have to cost you money to heal, it takes less time in your day, and you feel so much better physically, mentally, and emotionally. This will allow you to achieve the quality of life you deserve so that you fully enjoy the present moments. This is taught through the methods of Fast Like a Girl by Dr. Mindy Pelz combined and intertwined with Traditional Chinese Medicine. You will receive handouts and resources to take home to ensure your success at implementing this into your life.
Instructor: Brittany Petrick
Dog Acupressure
If you're like me, you want to do all you can for your fur babies. This class will give you a skill to help. The focus is mainly on dogs but can be applied to cats as well. You will learn very basics of traditional Chinese medical theory, including what an acupuncture point is, a little qi gong and basic theory of 5 elements. You will learn acupressure points for specific issues. Acupuncture point locations are at specific anatomical landmarks. You will learn some skeletal anatomy to help with proper point location. You will be given the opportunity to ask for specific health topics prior to the class. I want to insure the topics that are important to you are addressed. We will touch on nutrition for our furry family members.
Instructor: Stephanie Selman
Qigong for Life: Accessing the Nine Phases of Cultivation of Qi
The ancient secrets of Qi cultivation are accessible to all. In this class we will explore and experience the Nine Phases of Qi cultivation as taught by the Institute of Integral Tai Chi and Qigong.
Each movement of the Nine Phases has a purpose and a meaning within the whole. Along with movement, breath practice is integral. Broken down into segments of Earth domain, Heart Mind domain, and Spirit domain, all come together to empower you to create a sustainable Qigong practice which you can continue after class. Class is appropriate for beginner or experienced cultivator of Qi.
Based on the teachings of ‘The Healing Promise of Qi’ by Dr. Roger Johnke, OMD. The book is a great text for additional knowledge, but it is not necessary to read in order to attend the class.
Instructor: Rose Adams
“Rose was extremely knowledgeable and explained things well. I got so much out of the class and loved it!”
Finding your Healer Within: Qigong as a gateway to better health and wellbeing using body, mind and breath practices
Qi is a natural force, having a fundamental influence on all life and associated with physiological and psychological functioning. Qi (energy) Gong (cultivation) incorporates simple self-healing tools with roots in powerful ancient healing traditions of China as well as in modern science.
This class will integrate gentle movement, breath practices, self-massage, and meditation. When used together, one can activate one’s own healing and create higher functioning of our bodily systems, both physical and emotional. When combined, these methods have a profound effect on your “Qi Matrix” (including circulation, hormones, neurotransmitters’, and the meridians of Traditional Chinese Medicine) or those systems within our own bodies which turn on the ability to restore, heal, re-energize, and help us reach our highest potential.
Based on the book ‘The Healer Within’ by Dr. Roger Jahnke, this class will introduce the concept of creating your own ‘healing elixir within’. By taking personal action and maximizing the activity of our naturally occurring self-healing capabilities, our lives can be enhanced by higher functioning and connection of body, mind, and spirit.
No previous Qigong experience is necessary
Instructor: Rose Adams
The Hypopressive Technique
This class introduces the hypopressive technique, a core restoration and maintenance program. This class is appropriate for anyone who wants to train the true function of their core for optimal pelvic health. Through a series of specific postures, breathing and apnea, this training system helps restore function and tone to the deep core, which is critical in maintaining overall health and balance.
This class is also offered as a continuing education course for Massage Therapists (4CE’s) This technique can greatly help maintain the longevity of your massage practice. You will learn the important anatomy and kinesiology of the core and the vital role the fascial system plays, along with the technique.
Instructor: Katie Bortle
How To Tame Your Monkey (Mind) - And Find Peace Now...
Do you control your mind or does your mind control you? Learn easily accessible tools to quiet and focus your busy mind and feel better in your daily life.
Our minds control everything, so learning how to manage yours can drastically change all aspects of your life and how you feel about it. We often think it’s things outside of ourself that need to change for us to be happy and at peace in our life, when in reality, it’s how we perceive life and if we think it “fits” with how we think it “should” be or not.
Come explore your samskaras, your mental patters, how they were formed and how they color your view of everything you experience in life, and how to start recognizing and changing them to gain more control of how you think and ultimately feel.
Reduce stress and anxiety, be more present in the moment, ease the effects of trauma, sleep better at night and be more efficient during the day. No experience necessary.
Aileen has been a meditator and Yogini for 35 years and a teacher of both practices for 20 years.
Instructor: Aileen Judson
Freedom from Smoking
Quitting smoking can be a challenge. The good news is there are powerful, effective techniques to help you become tobacco/smoke free. This class includes substituting healthy habits in place of smoking, changing beliefs to promote the ability to let go of unhealthy behaviors and lead a better life, including having more money, and accountability. When you sign up for this class it is very important to read the additional information.
This class includes Managing Your Stress and Anxiety. When you sign up for this class, the fee for Managing Your Stress and Anxiety is included. You must attend the Managing Your Stress and Anxiety class before the Freedom from Smoking segment.
Instructor: Don Berlyn
Beyond Cosmetic Facial Gua Sha
Beyond "cosmetic" facial acupuncture takes you on a journey touching on the effects of aging from the perspective of traditional Chinese Medicine, western anatomy , and what you can do with gua sha, cupping and lymphatic massage to slow it down. Your overall health effects your appearance and your facial landscape. We go beyond the superficial and also address the causes contributing the signs of aging. We will discuss traditional 5 element theory as it pertains to facial signs of aging. You will learn some facial muscle anatomy. You will be able to give yourself lymphatic drainage, facial gua sha and facial cupping. Each participant will be given feedback on their specific needs if so desired. This will be a combination of lecture and practical application.
Instructor: Stephanie Selman
Introducing the E.A.S.L. (Engaging A Still Life) Series, Healing the Superhero Within
Let’s face it, “May you live in interesting times” takes on a whole new meaning these days. There is always an opportunity to help others, or try to fix situations we encounter, etc. We need to learn to do it in ways that also honor our own needs and allow us to continue to live life easily.
The E.A.S.L. Series helps you learn to live in the healing vibe of mind stillness and peace and quiet when needed. We will look at understanding how and when you activate the Superhero part of yourself and how you can “deactivate” that part of yourself calmly, so you can rest and not always need to be on alert. Through the allowance of stillness, unique meditative exercises, writing with prompts and group activities, you will learn to make informed choices that allow you to help others from a healthy , grounded and self aware place. These skills will assist you in moving forward effortlessly as you will learn to incorporate them into your daily life. You will walk away from this class understanding yourself in a deep way and able to make decisions that come from a still and peaceful place within you. Your inner superhero will thank you for the rest, and you will know how to work together to create healing and change for yourself and others.
Instructor: Harmony Green
Let’s Get Flowing - Self-Care for Your Lymphatic System
Come learn about this vitally important system that few people know anything about and how much of how you currently feel could be directly tied to it. New research is linking the Lymphatic System to more things than just swollen glands when you get sick.
It's now: consistently being addressed before and after surgeries for better overall outcomes, healing, and scar formation; vitally important to address after the surgical removal of lymph nodes; being linked to the plaque formation in the brain that leads to Alzheimer's; important to address after injuries, particularly brain traumas; linked to multiple autoimmune conditions like MS & Parkinson's; considering the part it plays in digestion. And so much more!
Come learn about this system and how you can better care for it yourself in this information packed experiential class. If you feel swollen or puffy, as if you’re holding on to too much fluid, have had lymph nodes removed or radiation that damaged your lymph nodes and have a limb or area of your body that is full of edema, you need this class.
Instructor: Aileen Judson
Techniques to Relieve Strain From Sitting
This course will give you stretching, alignment and movement techniques to relieve stress and strain from prolonged sitting. Learn to adjust your desk, chair or vehicle’s seat through use of bolsters for proper alignment. You’ll learn specific stretches to offer relief to back, neck, leg strain and overall system fatigue.
Instructor: Wendy Hines
Body Awareness Workshop
Embark on a journey into your body’s postural and movement patterns. Through a series of body scans, walking exercises, breathing techniques, deep fascial stretching, and guided meditation, you will develop the body awareness needed to feel more stable and balanced overall.
This workshop provides you with the guidance to: minimize pain, nurture old and/or recent injuries, Improve performance, reduce stress, create space in areas of the body that feels closed or compressed, feel more empowered in your body, acquire tools to better manage your pain, tension, and stress on your own and achieve a stronger sense of body awareness so that you can explore the best intervention to support your body when you need it.
“Our Bodies communicate to us clearly and specifically, if we are willing to listen to them. - Shakti Gawain
Instructor: Olivia Herman
Turning a Dream into a Goal into Success
In this four-hour class participants will learn how to take dreams, make them detailed then rank the dreams. Next comes turning the dreams into goals. The goals are separated into specific, practical, achievable steps. Lastly, experiencing the goals as if they are already achieved through visualization. This process is repeatable for future dreams and goals. Bring your dreams! Make them real!
Instructor: Don Berlyn
Managing Stress and Anxiety
The focus of this class to learn about stress and anxiety management techniques that can be used to calm our minds, as well as others, in our daily lives. In this course the participants will learn about stress and anxiety and the functions of the conscious and subconscious in creating and relieving stress and anxiety. Participants will learn how to determine levels of stress in the moment, and to use methods and techniques to manage stress and anxiety. The techniques are easy to learn, use and teach to others.
Participants will experience the technique through the teacher’s instruction and will then be a subject and then a teacher to demonstrate teaching these concepts and techniques to others.
Instructor: Don Berlyn
Book a Class
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