Auricular Acupressure
There are many microsystems on the body. You may be familiar with foot reflexology. Auricular acupressure utilizes the microsystem on the auricle or outer part of the ear. In this class you will learn auricular anatomy as well as point locations. We will discuss basic traditional Chinese medical theory. You will learn how to recognize and treat for many conditions of Musculo-skeletal pain as well as some emotional conditions.
Instructor: Stephanie Selman
Nervous System Regulating Techniques for Massage Therapists
Learn the workings of the nervous system in relation to stress, anxiety, depression, and trauma, where they tend to live in the body, and how therapeutic touch can help bring the system into a state of regulation, or balance. Learn how to create an intake form specific to these concerns and how to create a dialogue around them. Learn specific communication skills and massage techniques to create a safe, relaxing, and therapeutic session for your nervous system dysregulated clients.
Instructor: Aileen Judson, LMT
Lomi Lomi Level 1
This Lomilomi Fundamentals class teaches a clinically and structurally oriented, 90- 120 minute full-body Lomilomi massage. The hands-on techniques are done with intention to relieve pain and improve movement. The touch is bone deep yet gentle as wind, ( Reiki like touch) and includes Lomilomi strokes, long strokes, compressions, compression-tractions, as well as rotations, stretches, vibration, tapping and sound. Simply LOMILOMI Raises frequency… from Kahuna Harry Jim/ Wise Secrets of Aloha
Participants are introduced to Hawaiian healing history and philosophy including the concepts of Aloha and traditional island values. These concepts include, connections with ancestors, (elementals and nature as family ) ho’o ponopono (right living and alignment), and the power of words. The power of our thoughts and images in manifesting our desires in our life path is key. Students learn healing blessings and Hawaiian chants to offer in the Lomilomi session.
Instructors: Oceanna and Patty Kulani Golson
Preventing Burnout – Contemporary Alexander Technique for Bodyworkers
Alexander Technique is a study that provides tools for noticing the quality of ourselves and our state of being in any activity we do. These tools allow us to change our habitual patterns which can lead to greater ease, flexibility, freedom and joy in our professional and daily life. Preventing burnout requires a proactive approach to managing stress and maintaining physical, mental and emotional well-being.
This class introduces basic principles of the Contemporary Alexander Technique, an educational method to reduce stress, improve movement and coordination, body/self awareness and restore overall wellness. Through games, imagery and guided movement we will be exploring the connection between our pelvis, ribs and heads, improve our proprioception and tap into the inherent life force within our bodies. Learn to reconnect with your innate ease and to use your body efficiently to reduce the physical strain associated with burnout. Rekindle the joy, interest and passion that you have for your work. Experience a more balanced and integrated version of yourself. This class is hands-on. You will be able to immediately apply and practice all tools for yourself.
Instructor: Anita Mischuk
Hypermobility: Implications for Massage Therapists and Their Clients
This class offers Massage Therapists and anyone whose profession involves stretching a patient or client, or is hypermobile, education on the condition of hypermobility/joint laxity, how to test for it quickly and safely, the potential joint damage associated with hypermobile connective tissue, ergonomic strategies, and techniques to protect the massage therapist, the use of protective supports, determining which bodywork modalities are safer or riskier for therapists with joint laxity.
Participants learn techniques to treat clients with hypermobile connective tissues safely and effectively. Observing and correcting hyperextended joint positions as in yoga.
Instructor: Don Berlyn
Managing Stress and Anxiety
The focus of this class is for Massage Therapists and anyone working with patients or clients, to learn about Stress and Anxiety management techniques that they can use during a session and teach their clients how to calm their minds in their daily lives. In this course the participants will learn about Stress and Anxiety, the functions of the conscious and subconscious in creating and relieving stress and anxiety. The students will learn how to determine levels of stress in the moment, and to use methods and techniques to manage stress and anxiety. The techniques are easy to learn, use and teach to patients, clients and others.
The teaching format is that the students will experience the technique through the teacher’s instruction. The student will then be a subject and a teacher to demonstrate teaching these concepts and techniques to others.
Instructor: Don Berlyn
The Iliopsoas and Muscles of the Posterior Abdominal Wall
Learn how to relieve back, hip, groin and knee pain, to correct postural imbalance, relieve reflux, and breathing restrictions thru the gentle release of the psoas and posterior wall muscles.
This course offers an in-depth study of the psoas and posterior abdominal wall muscles, including anatomy, kinesiology, massage, structural integration, stretches and emotional health of this deep core muscle.
This course will heighten your hands-on and palpation sensitivity and build confidence in using verbal cues and educating clients on the importance of psoas health.
Instructor: Wendy Hines
The Hypopressive Technique
This class introduces the hypopressive technique, a core restoration and maintenance program. This class is appropriate for anyone who wants to train the true function of their core for optimal pelvic health. Through a series of specific postures, breathing and apnea, this training system helps restore function and tone to the deep core, which is critical in maintaining overall health and balance.
This class is also offered as a continuing education course for Massage Therapists (4CE’s) This technique can greatly help maintain the longevity of your massage practice. You will learn the important anatomy and kinesiology of the core and the vital role the fascial system plays, along with the technique.
Instructor: Katie Bortle
Advanced Craniosacral - The Dural, Osseous and Sutural Restrictions
This class is based in Integrated manual therapy that is specific to the Dural Releases. In this 3-day workshop we will be working with each of the cranial bones to access the Dural and cortical region and subcortical regions of the brain. We will access and work with this region in 3 different ways via; Osseous releases- working directly with each of the cranial bones, Sutural releases- specifically working with the sutures that connect each of the cranial bones, Dural releases- working with the Dura which is attached to the above mentioned and surround cortical and subcortical regions.
Prior to doing the Osseous, Sutural & Dural Releases, students will work with the 4 diaphragms in the body-- Pelvic, Respiratory, Thoracic, Hyoid, and 2 in the cranium considered to be the Vertical and Horizontal vault holds. Addressing these diaphragms enables the student to assist the body to balance and integrate the changes which occur in the body from working with the different cranial holds.
Instructor: Nina Joy Rizzo
Connective Tissue Techniques for Injuries and Dysfunctions of the Lower Leg, Ankle and Foot
This course offers knowledge of connective tissue techniques for injuries and dysfunctions of the lower leg, ankle and foot. It facilitates Massage Therapists to enhance their bodywork practice by giving them a better understanding of this complex area and the injuries and dysfunctions that can occur. Practitioners will learn the anatomy and kinesiology of the lower leg and foot and the necessary surrounding structures. Practitioners will gain an understanding of common injuries and dysfunctions of the lower leg, ankle and foot and connective tissue techniques that can be applied to help ease pain and discomfort and improve overall function.
Instructor: Katie Bortle
Intro to Craniosacral and Visceral Manipulation
This class will teach the student the basics of Cranial Sacral Therapy, the Craniosacral System, production of the Cranial Sacral Fluid and the palpation of the Craniosacral Rhythm. This course begins with a brief history and development of the modality and then jumps right in-- offering hands on self-perception labs that will give the student a self-experiential understanding that will assist their development of subtle touch therapy. Students will learn how to perceive the flexion and extension of the CSR and continue to work with that rhythm as a foundation, building on to it with an array of different techniques, as each lab is presented. Students will also be introduced to working with 3 and 4 planes of fascia by means of "stacking" in order to assist diaphragm releases.
The basic understanding of the diaphragms in relationship to the Chakras will be presented as well as a basic review of the O/A region, brain-stem and Cranial Nerves as well as a fresh perspective of TMJ and a basic compression/decompression technique to assist with TMJ disorder.
Instructor: Nina Joy Rizzo
Intro To “The Electric Brain & Energetic Body Connection”
This class will give you an electrical and new perspective on the Body/Mind. In the first part of this class, you will learn the very basics on how to listen into the body with your hands, to perceive lesion chains or lines of tension, which actually create the pain we feel in our bodies. The second part of this class, you will learn to palpate and "hear" the subtle electrical signals conducted from the brain (which is your hard drive), to the individual organs in the body, thus, helping to increase, resynchronize, and, reconnect any signals that may have been lost, aberrant or disconnected.
Instructor: Nina Joy Rizzo
Feel The Fluid: Manual Lymph Drainage
Manual Lymph Drainage promotes healthy flow in the lymphatic system and can help normalize and bring balance to the system as a whole. Applications for pre and post surgery, edema/lymphedema, and for general detoxification and overall health and well-being will be covered.
This course will explore the anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic system, and its role for both keeping us healthy and regaining our health through the skilled application of Manual Lymph Drainage. You will learn the indications and contraindications for appropriately applied MLD and will understand the reasons why the lymphatic system may fail to work properly and what encourages it to function optimally.
Instructor: Aileen Judson
Craniosacral Work with a Biodynamic Perspective - Level 1
An introduction to sacred touch and the practice of deeply listening with our hearts and hands from a place of compassionate stillness. An introduction to the history of craniosacral work; the work of Dr. William Sutherland and others that followed.
An introduction to and experience of the elements of the craniosacral system: the bones, membranes, tissues, fluid and the fluid dynamics of the tidal motions of primary respiration, the motion and stillness as expressed by the intelligence of the Breath of Life within the body.
Instructor: Heidi Wilson
Craniosacral Work with a Biodynamic Perspective - Level 2
A continuation of development of sensitivity to the experience of the potency of the Breath of Life. Techniques for treatment of temporomandibular joint dysfunction, migraine headaches and sinusitis (Intr-oral work).
Also the practice of removing the effects of gravity to release patterns of trauma in the tissues of the limbs- the practice of "Fluid Limbs".
Instructor: Heidi Wilson
Craniosacral Work with a Biodynamic Perspective - Level 3
This class focuses on techniques for treatment of the low back and pelvis. Experience of the anatomy and energetics of the ventricles of the cranium and concept/action of "Ignition" exploration of the "Inherent Treatment Plan."
Instructor: Heidi Wilson
Craniosacral Work with a Biodynamic Perspective - Level 4
You will learn the experience of the diaphragms of the body, treatment of injured or stressed joints, practice of tonal match in balanced fluid tension and balanced potency tension.
Instructor: Heidi Wilson
Fascial Manipulation and Advanced Connective Tissue Techniques
Whether Connective Tissue was part of your curriculum in school, or you are new to the concepts and functions of fascia, Fascial Manipulation and Advanced Connective Tissue Techniques offers insight on how to best work with fascia and other connective tissues of the body. With the 2022 showcase of the FR:EIA body, the world is finally catching up to revolutionaries like Ida Rolf, Tom Myers, Janet Travell, and Leon Chaitow. Combining lecture and hands on techniques offered in this course, you will learn, the differences between muscle and connective tissues, the composition and functions of connective tissue, the properties of fascia, advanced connective tissue and fascial manipulation techniques, to formulate the best treatment strategies for injury rehabilitation
In addition to receiving the most up to date information about fascia, you will learn how to safely access areas of the body that often get overlooked when you’re working in tight compartments and joint capsules. Afterwards, you will have the confidence to weave more connective tissue techniques into your work or become more skilled in your craft.
Instructor: Olivia Herman
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