Stress Self Assessment
Check any that apply:
___ Difficulty sleeping
___ Irritability/easily angered
___ Relationship problems
___ Impatience
___ Increase in alcohol/drug use
___ Changes in eating patterns – loss of appetite or overeating
___ Racing thoughts
___ Distracted/poor concentration
___ Misplacing/losing things
___ Cursing more than usual
___ Slamming doors/drawers
___ Forgetting things more than usual
___ Tearful/crying more than usual
___ Inability to relax
___ Grinding teeth (day or night)
___ Muscle tension, soreness, tightness
___ Nail biting, lip biting, etc.
___ Hair twirling/pulling
___ Daydreaming
___ Making careless mistakes
___ Headaches and other pains
___ Upset stomach, ulcers, IBS
___ Excessive worrying, ruminating
___ Fidgeting – bouncing your feet, tapping your fingers
Count the number of check marks to determine your stress level.
5 or less – Mild stress – try to take it easy.
6 – 10 – Moderate stress – you need to make some changes and learn stress management.
Over 10 – You may be in the danger zone – it is time to address this now.
NOTE: These signs and symptoms can be related to serious health or mental health problems. If they are persistent, talk to someone, get help.