Stress Self Assessment


Check any that apply:


___ Difficulty sleeping

___ Irritability/easily angered

___ Relationship problems

___ Impatience

___ Increase in alcohol/drug use

___ Changes in eating patterns – loss of appetite or overeating

___ Racing thoughts

___ Distracted/poor concentration

___ Misplacing/losing things

___ Cursing more than usual

___ Slamming doors/drawers

___ Forgetting things more than usual

___ Tearful/crying more than usual

___ Inability to relax

___ Grinding teeth (day or night)

___ Muscle tension, soreness, tightness

___ Nail biting, lip biting, etc.

___ Hair twirling/pulling

___ Daydreaming

___ Making careless mistakes

___ Headaches and other pains

___ Upset stomach, ulcers, IBS

___ Excessive worrying, ruminating

___ Fidgeting – bouncing your feet, tapping your fingers 



Count the number of check marks to determine your stress level.

5 or less – Mild stress – try to take it easy.

6 – 10 – Moderate stress – you need to make some changes and learn stress management.

Over 10 – You may be in the danger zone – it is time to address this now.


NOTE: These signs and symptoms can be related to serious health or mental health problems. If they are persistent, talk to someone, get help.


Good Self Care to Increase Happiness Fact Sheet


Today is World Mental Health Day 2 What You Can Do to Maintain Your Mental and Emotional Health